Android Bluetooth Oscilloscope.
It can be used with any mobile device with Android system using Bluetooth.
It means there are no any wired connection with phone or tablet, that can guarantee the safety of your mobile device, plus portability.
The oscilloscope is the most frequently used, most flexible device for electric measurements.
It visualizes an electric potential over time function, producing much more information than other potential and current measurement methods.
With an oscilloscope the following quantities can be either directly or indirectly measured:
direct voltage, alternating voltage, direct current, alternating current, time, time delay, phase, phase difference, frequency to view live waveforms, make measurements.
- Portability
- Useing of touchscreen capabilities for app controlling;
- Simple to use, intuitive.
- Displaying the audio waveform captured from a microphone;
- Accelerometer waveform, x y z;
- Demo mode;
- Measure: frequency, min/max, peak-peak;
- Cursors, which are lines that can be moved about the screen to measure the time interval between two points,
or the difference between two voltages; - Types of trigger: Auto, Normal and Single;
- FFT for microphone input;
- Shows remote device battery level;
- Shows trigger level information;
- Save screen captures from your instrument onto your mobile device;
- Save signal data to file in csv format;
Protocol Decoders:
- I2C
- Guess bitrate
- 1-Wire link layer
Math channels
On many oscilloscopes waveform math usually means just simple calculations like A + B. With a AR-Oscilloscope it means much more.- The calculated channels can be used in protocol decoders.
- Main operations: +, -, x, /, sqrt, x^y, exp, ln, log, abs
- Trigonometric functions: sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan
- Additional operands: PI, T (time)
- An example of math: exp(-t*125)*sin(2*pi*1000*t)
Control the following functions
- Start/stop/single acquisition;
- Change time/div with two fingers motion;
- Change volts/div with two fingers motion;
- Turn channels on/off;
- Horisontal position of signal on screen;
- Select trigger type/level;
- Screen zooming;
- Full screen mode;
- Set trigger to zero level by double clicking;
- Lock time/div change;
- Lock volts/div change;
User's Guide

System Requirements
- Android 8.0 and up

Downloads (Old versions)
Name — Jun-11 ,2022 12:09 am
I've tried connecting my oppo phone by ctia and omtp but the displayed waveform was not sine wave.
Wei He — Oct-08 ,2018 1:20 am
Where is app? Where can I download?
Response - Oct-24 ,2018 10:27 pm
You can download it from google play
MB220S — Apr-05 ,2018 4:21 pm
Works great on the Autel MaxiSys MS906BT automotive scanner! Unfortunately, Autel still ships these scanners with outdated Android versions, so you don't have the ease of the Play Store, but obtaining the APK and manually loading it works just fine. Just thought I'd mention it because Autel wants nearly 4x more for their Bluetooth scope, and their app isn't nearly as useful. Heck, Auxiscope is even the same colour red as the Autel scanner highlights, so it even looks like part of the kit! Very pleased w
Jan Wiland — Mar-25 ,2018 9:06 am
It would be great to have a signal generator (Left and Right) within the same app.
This would increase the possibilities for this app.
This would increase the possibilities for this app.
saeed — Jan-05 ,2018 3:23 am
it is very simple and usefull
whoandcar — Mar-14 ,2017 3:08 pm
Hi, I have a new phone, Samsing Galaxy J7 prime
ar-oscilloscope installs well but it don't see the scope...
It tells me "no devices found"
It worked well on three other phones and a tablet...
ar-oscilloscope installs well but it don't see the scope...
It tells me "no devices found"
It worked well on three other phones and a tablet...
Response - Mar-15 ,2017 12:19 pm
We need more info to troubleshoot. Could you please contact us by e-mail.
Name — Jul-03 ,2016 10:00 am
Thanks for a very useful and well designed product.
I use it in car electronics. Comfortable and reliable.
I use it in car electronics. Comfortable and reliable.
Response - Jul-04 ,2016 7:23 pm
Thanks, we will do it better.
romanesco — Oct-08 ,2015 11:10 pm
En la tienda de Google Play Store me dicen que mi android no lo soporta tengo la version 4.1. Ustedes ponen en su nota que se requiere android 2.3.3. Gracias por su atencion.
Response - Oct-09 ,2015 11:28 am
Compatibility is also depend on screen resolution, Bluetooth availability and so on.
What mobile device do you have?
What mobile device do you have?
jayesh — Jan-30 ,2015 8:42 pm
this app is very helpful for find out ecg